Message From The Founder

Message From The Founder

Who Is Gary Evans?

Gary Evans, founder and director of Global Dental Partners, has been conducting humanitarian dental trips to Latin America for over a decade and has worked in the dental industry for nearly 20 years. Gary speaks fluent Spanish and loves the Latin culture. His work in the dental Industry provided a platform for him to begin offering humanitarian dental trips, first to Honduras and then to other Latin American countries. Through a series of changes to organizations that Gary previously volunteered for, the necessity for Global Dental Partners was born in the year 2020. Global Dental Partners had its genesis just as the COVID-19 pandemic was hitting the world with full force! Global Dental Partners took its first humanitarian trip to Honduras in November of 2020 and has not stopped since. Global Dental Partners now has clinics in Merida, Mexico; the Dominican Republic; Guatemala City, Guatemala; San Pedro Sula, Honduras; and Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Thanks to many volunteers and our full-time dentist partners in the countries where we serve, Global Dental Partners has served thousands of needy people since that first trip to Honduras in November 2020.


About Gary

The need for quality dental care around the world is immense. Our time spent developing dental clinics in Latin America has shown me just how urgent dental needs are for people. Quality dental care is life-changing! Dentists and others who work in the dental field are uniquely positioned to bless peoples lives in an immediate and life altering fashion. Please join us on a trip and change a persons life today!


About BB

BB Maboby was born in a refugee camp in Thailand from parents of Pakistani and Cambodian descent. At

ten-months old BB and her family moved to the states where she grew up in Chicago, IL. BB graduated

from California State University Long Beach with a Bachelor’s of Arts in Rhetoric (2009) and went on to

work as an oral surgery representative here in California. She now dedicates all of her time to the mission

of Global Dental.

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